How Much Is It To Get A Birth Certificate
How Much Does a Birth Certificate Cost? |
On average, getting a birth certificate copy from your state is going to vary anywhere from $5 to as much as $40. Keep in mind that in order to get your birth certificate, you are going to need two forms of identification as well as your social security card. We researched every state and included the fees we had found in our table below.
Official Fees - US Birth Certificates and Vital Records
To obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate you are required to complete the online form and pay the state fees. For an additional fee, some states offer rush service, which may include rush processing or expedited mailing service, or both. Below you will find detailed information on the fees of birth certificates for each state.
Birth Certificates - Health Department
How much does a certified copy of a birth certificate cost? BIRTH CERTIFICATES. Search of files and the issuance of one (1) certified copy if certificate is on file. $15.00. Additional copies (each) $15.00. Delayed Birth Registration. First Certified Copy. $40.00.
Birth Certificates - Department of Health
The cost for a birth certificate is $20 each regardless of the quantity that you order. This fee is established in accordance with Pennsylvania's Administrative Code of 1929. Payment is deposited upon receipt of your application and is not refundable.
Get a Copy of a Birth Certificate - The State of New York
Refer to this step by step process to order a birth certificate: Gather the necessary identifying information (See list below) Complete the application online, by telephone or by mail. Pay the required fees with credit card (internet only), check drawn from a U.S. bank or with a money order - DO NOT send cash. Submit the application.
Birth Certificate | KDHE, KS - Kansas
State law specifies that the initial $20 fee for a certified birth certificate copy is a five-year record search fee - one certified copy is issued if the record is found and if not found, the fee is retained. You will receive either the certified copy or a letter explaining the search conducted and that no record was located.
Birth Certificates | Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH)
The fee to search for a birth certificate is $15.00, which includes one certified copy of the birth record or a "Certificate of Failure to Find." Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $6.00 each. There is an additional fee of $15.00 to expedite a request. Make check or money order payable to "State Board of Health".
Birth Certificates - Minnesota Department of Health
One certified copy of a birth certificate costs $26. Fill out one of the birth certificate request forms below to order a certificate. If the birth record is confidential, you may not be able to get the certificate. The law specifies who may buy confidential birth certificates. For more information, see our Certificate Eligibility webpage.
Birth Certificates | SCDHEC
Call 1-877-284-1008 to speak to a VitalChek representative 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Only persons named on the birth certificate may order through VitalChek. Fees Include: $17 non-refundable expedited searching fee $3 for each additional copy $10.50 additional charge to pay for the services of VitalChek
Replace Your Vital Records | USAGov
Birth Certificate Copies: Born in the U.S. Contact the vital records office in the state or territory where you were born to get a copy of your birth certificate. Follow the instructions for requesting copies and paying fees. If you need a copy fast, ask about expedited service or shipping when you place your order.
Obtain Birth Certificate - Illinois
For $15 for the first copy of a birth certificate and $2 for each additional copy of the same certificate requested at the same time, you will obtain a birth certificate with information collected at the time of your birth (information has varied throughout the years). Other Certificates: Birth Record of a Deceased Individual
Vital Records: Requesting a Vital Record | Wisconsin Department of ...
For example, the cost for our office to search for a birth certificate from 1910 through 1919 (10 years of single-year indexes) would be $40. If you ask for a birth certificate for a person with a common last name, such as Anderson, Johnson, or Smith, you must include more identifying information. This information could be the place of birth or ...